Planning for Retirement, Not Planning to Retire

I never really start doing anything well. It always took time, practice. I’ve even given up on skills because I could not commit the time to be as good as I wanted (goodbye guitar, so long golf clubs). But the things I’ve committed to, learned and practiced, like juggling, some sports, being a husband, father and my work, I’ve gotten very good at. I am fully aware that elements in life need planning, learning and understanding. I know that I cannot just wait for a magic age or date on the calendar and become good at something. This applies to retirement too.


I’m not planning to retire, but I am planning for retirement. If I don’t learn the how and the why, I’ll simply wake up one day with no place to go. My feet need to be firmly planted, I need to know where I am and the direction I’m headed.

And minimalism is a big part of it.

We visited friends a while back, shortly before they were scheduled to move. I was surprised at how far behind they appeared to be with their packing. The garage was full of clutter, empty boxes were scattered about the house. They seemed to be unconcerned. It was like they failed to realize that this home would not be theirs in a few days. I followed up a week later and got an earful about how unreasonable they buyers were, they expected an empty, move in ready home and they got sellers who expected extra time to move their masses. It was not a pleasant experience for either of them. An it is all due to lack of planning.

If we had to move tomorrow we could. What we have is on display, there is no more. No garages or closets full of clothes, toys books or treasures. Everything has it’s place.

I am as guilty as anyone of misplacing something and not finding it for days. But that was long ago. In our current situation, it’s almost impossible. Everything has a places and if it is not in it’s place there aren’t many places to look.

And so it is with retirement. I am responsible for managing the material possessions, the finances, the location and the vision of what will be accomplished in this season of life. And I can’t expect to figure it all out on one specific day, it takes time and practice in order to learn how to do it right.

The hardest thing for me to convey in words or through this blog is the feeling of peace that comes with a sense of order. The anxiety that prevented us from parting with our non essentials was trapping us. Less became freedom.

Increase the peace.