Going Through A Job Transition? - Free, No Obligation, Download

During a time when I was navigating a job transition, I ended up buying a lot of books that I didn’t read with money that I didn’t have.


I wanted to solve that problem. Through a series of conversations with my colleague David King, which I documented in detail, we created a focused interview strategy. We took this data, coauthored and published a small book, “High Performance Interviewing.” It was designed to be 100 pages or less, clear, concise and actionable. A minimalist version of a book one could say.

This is a difficult time for many around the globe. High performance Interviewing is available at no cost, simply download the PDF at HPI. It is free, no data is collected, no obligation is expected. Please don’t hesitate to share the PDF with your network.

We will get through this and we’ll be stronger if we do it together.

Increase the peace.
