
Keep in mind, it’s life.

Am I going to argue, with my minimalist friend that I dress with too much flair? Never, I don’t care. I would not consider myself a fashionable dresser, but I do consider what I wear and how it makes me feel. If I wear a ring my late father gave me, a bracelet my wife presented to me, a watch I bought because I liked it, I’m not going to apologize. Minimalism isn’t about living a life full of nothing, it is simply releasing that which is not important so we can focus on that which is.

If I’m working, my shirt has a collar. It makes me feel the part. I’m an actor on a stage and it is necessary to the success of my performance. I wouldn’t show up to an interview in a T-shirt. It is simply not appropriate. And I wouldn’t feel good.

So let’s not make a list of minimalist requirements that restrict our lives. Add color to your wardrobe, rings, belts, bracelets, that make you feel good and perform well. You’re still in the “club”. And the club is a much better, more colorful place because you’re bringing the authentic you.

Increase the peace.