Social Media, It’s Time For Me To Go
When we met, I thought it would be different.
It was social, reconnecting, images of family and old friends. Touching base, with former class mates and colleagues, comfort in knowing that, after all these years they were OK. You told me it was about two-way communication, building community and I believed you. I was blinded; I only saw the good in you.
I gave you so much, my name, contact info, photos and plans. I trusted you.
At first it was great. Being alerted by a former co-worker or schoolmate. We’d exchange a few greetings. I’d see their houses, families, food, perhaps too much food. But over time I have to be honest, I became bored. All of a sudden it seemed to be a competition of who had the most connections. It all became less and less important.
We’re Done.
And you never really told me how my comments were shared. I thought they went to all my “friends”, but perhaps not, I don’t know. You created algorithms to maximize my data for your benefit. I began to feel we weren’t in this together anymore, now I was simply serving you.
You’d send me notes, “haven’t heard from you in a while”, to create a false sense of urgency. And I fell for it at first. But now I really don’t care.
And then I began to hear rumors about you. That you weren’t honest. You were sharing my information with people who I didn’t even know. You took my private info, the data I trusted you with, and freely gave it to anyone who asked or would pay. And I realized some people, whom I never intended to share it with, were actually stealing it.
Sadly, it just seemed to get worse. People who don’t like people began to say bad and unfounded things about my brothers and sisters from around the world. It became frightening. The joy disappeared from the experience, and the trust was removed from the equation.
The lies began piling up. You provided me news that was not accurate or true; you freely and uncaringly misrepresented places, people, events and things. I started to question everything I saw, what could I believe? You changed.
In a very short time you’ve perhaps unintentionally, created chaos in our country and our world. I will no longer participate in your nonsense. We’ve been together a long time. And now I have to say it’s over for me. I’m leaving you.
Life exists, real life. And it seems that the time I spend with you is wasted. You don’t teach me anything that I can’t learn elsewhere. And you fill my mind with things that don’t matter or worse, aren’t true. You can’t replace being there, present in the moment, focused on real friends and family, experiences. Images and videos do not replace the real life joy of travel, voice conversations and dinners with real food on a table..
As of this moment, I’m done. I’ll stay in touch, but it will be strictly business between us. I will shift my focus to handshakes, hugs, conversations, prayer, meditation, reflection, work, phone calls, letters, books, visits and travel.
I’m not sorry. It is not me, it’s you.